Onboarding new employees is an important process that requires careful consideration. It's important to ensure that all new team members are given the right equipment and training materials to help them perform their job successfully. It's also important to create a welcoming environment with clear expectations and policies that can help new employees feel comfortable in their new role.

February 6th, 2023

2 min read

Welcome Kit Ideas: Maximize Your Onboarding

Welcome kits are an excellent way to help new employees feel comfortable and accepted in their new workplace from the very start. A well-considered welcome kit can set the tone for a successful onboarding process and help to ensure a smooth transition. In this article, we’ll explore some of the key items to consider when creating a welcome kit that will ensure your new employees have a positive start with your company.

What to Consider before Onboarding New Employees

Onboarding new employees is an important process that requires careful consideration. It's important to ensure that all new team members are given the right equipment and training materials to help them perform their job successfully. It's also important to create a welcoming environment with clear expectations and policies that can help new employees feel comfortable in their new role. Additionally, it's beneficial to provide mentors or coaches to help new employees acclimate to the organization and learn the ropes. Once the onboarding process is complete, it's important to provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure new employees have the resources they need to be successful in their new roles.

Benefits of Welcome Kits for Onboarding

Welcome kits are a great way to make sure that new employees feel comfortable starting a new job. Welcome Kits help to create a positive onboarding experience for new employees by showing them that their employer cares about them, and is committed to helping them succeed. Additionally, welcome kits can help reduce the stress of the onboarding process.

How to Craft Welcome Kit Content

Here are a few ideas for what to include in your welcome kits to make a lasting impression:

  • Branded clothing
  • Office supplies
  • Snacks and soft drinks
  • Items that help to understand the company's culture, such as a company handbook, a copy of the company's mission statement, and a list of company values
  • Welcome note from the CEO

Once you've made your decisions, the tedious process begins. Finding vendors, comparing options, checking availability, deciding on branding and customization, and understanding shipping rates and final prices is a time-consuming process.

This is where Maramio comes into play.

How Maramio Helps to Create Welcome Kits

Making the onboarding process easier, Maramio has come up with a selection of welcome packs for new recruits.

Just pick a package that suits you or build one of your own. If you opt for the latter, you can choose between dozens of vendors. Whether you prefer classic or niche-branded goods, we've got you covered.

We’ll handle design, shipping, and warehousing for you. With our pay-as-you-go model and fair rates for fulfillment operations, you'll have full control over the budget and timeline.

Written by Niko

An interim HR professional with a keen interest in the impact of technology on our lives. Through this blog, Niko shares his insights on how to succeed in the competitive race for talents and how to leverage the latest technologies to stay ahead of the curve.

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