Order, store and ship company gifts

for employees for clients for prospects for marketing give-aways for trade shows
Gift box

Create a custom gift box for
single or multiple recipients

Build my gift box
Gift box

Individual products delivered
in bulk to one destination

Choose individual items


Aggregate vendors

of branded swag

Maramio is a home for thousands of customizable products from curated brands. Our goal is to make sure that with every product you order, you can expect to be remembered.

Organise storage, fulfilment

and shipping 

We build a gifting company for you to easily manage the distribution of branded gifts. Flexible warehousing an fulfilment solution is what we bring to you.

Human support

along the way

Sometimes personal support is just all you need. We are here for you! We make your employee onboarding, conference or client gifting enjoyable again.

A sustainable swag bag we all deserve


Rania Lamprou, Simpler. 

"Loved the communication and support we received throughout the whole process.

There is a great variety of products, every item I received is of great quality."